Introducción a Caseware Cloud Connector
Before you start, ensure your firm administrator has purchased and enabled a Caseware Cloud Connector license for your account.
Note: A known issue prevents Cloud Connector from working as expected if any other Excel Add-ins are enabled. Esta cuestión se ha solucionado en SmartAnalyzer 16227.20150. If you are experiencing issues using Cloud Connector, confirm whether your Excel version has been updated.
Procedimientos iniciales
If you are using Windows, make sure you have a local installation of the latest version of Microsoft Office 365 Desktop and are using the latest version of Windows 10.
If you are using Mac, make sure you have a local installation of version 16.35 or later of Office on Mac and are using a Mac OS that supports Microsoft Office 365.
Note: MS Office version 2019 or prior and Office Online are not supported.
Open an Excel file in MS Office 365.
Upload the Excel file to your engagement.
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Get the Caseware Cloud Connector Add-in from the Microsoft Add-ins Store.
Your firm administrator can pre-install the add-in for you. See Deploy add-ins in the admin center for instructions.
If the add-in is not pre-installed, you can also search "WA200002239" in the store to locate the add-in and install it manually.
Use the Caseware Cloud Connector Add-in to insert data from your engagement in the excel file.
To learn more about inserting data using Caseware Cloud Connector, see the following: