Descargar archivos de Working Papers
If you've published any Working Papers files to Cloud, you must first clear all synchronization information before you can download them. We suggest that you wait approximately 2 hours after clearing synchronization information to ensure that all sync activity has ended. After you've downloaded a file, you can continue to access it as a standalone file in the Working Papers application.
Descargar archivos de Working Papers
- Select the applicable entity from the Entity drop-down menu, or select All entities.
- On the Cloud menu (
), select Working Papers.
- All available Working Papers files are displayed in the list. If the icon for a Working Papers file contains the sync label (
), select the file, then select More actions (
) | Clear synchronization information. Note that if any sync copies of the file exist, you must abandon them before you can clear synchronization information (More actions (
) | Abandon sync copies).
- After approximately 2 hours, select all the Working Papers files that you want to download, then select More actions (
) | Download.
- In the Download as a ZIP file dialog, name the file and select OK.
The Working Papers files are downloaded to your computer. Extract the .zip file to the new storage location of your Working Papers files before attempting to access them.
Nota: Si desea descargar archivos varios, como PDF, documentos de Office e imágenes, consulte Descargar archivos.