Firm settings - Working Papers Backups

Content in this topic requires Caseware Working Papers.

Administrators can search for and download automatic backups of Working Papers engagements that are stored on Caseware Cloud.

To download a Working Papers backup:

  1. In the firm settings menu, select Working Papers Backups.

  2. In the Entity Search bar, enter the client entity from which you want to view backups. You can use the filter option to narrow the results by country and organization type.

    The Entity Search bar and filter in the Working Papers Backups page.

  3. In the list of search results, select the applicable client entity.

  4. A list of engagements is displayed with information such as the engagement name, file name, year-end date, Working Papers version, last modified date and type.

    The engagement results of an entity search in the Working Papers Backups page.

  5. Select the applicable engagement.

  6. A list of backup files is displayed with the dates they were generated and file sizes. Locate the applicable backup file and select Download.

    The list of backup files for the engagement in the Working Papers Backups page.

  7. The backup is downloaded to your computer in a .tar file format. Extract the .tar file to access the Working Papers backup file.


  • Backups are stored for up to 90 days prior to the current date, with at least one new backup uploaded daily if changes were made to the file.

  • You cannot view backups for files that are in the recycle bin.

  • If you require access to a backup file that doesn't appear in the list or is for a file in the recycle bin, contact your local support representative.