Voraussetzungen für den Import aus Desktop-Buchhaltungssoftware
You can import client data from most third-party desktop accounting software for use with a variety of Caseware Cloud apps or IDEA. Before you import, ensure you complete the prerequisite steps for your software. To learn more about importing client data, see Import data from a desktop accounting software.
Note: If your accounting package is not listed on this page, there are no prerequisites. You can follow the instructions in Import data from a desktop accounting software to import your client data.
Access Accounting Dimensions
Install Microsoft Windows SQL Server locally on the machine performing the import.
Import File: filename.bak
(Obtained by launching Accounting Dimensions and performing a whole data back-up operation.)
Store a backup copy of your database using the Access Dimensions Administrator (ADA) tool supplied with the software package.
If the import is running on the same machine where the original Access Accounting Dimensions file is active, ensure that the backup database file name is different from the active database name, and the database file is in a different directory than the active database. Otherwise the original database must be removed from SQL server prior to importing.
Accountant's Relief
Import File: filename.mdb
Import Files:
Financial Periods: Periods.txt
GL Detail: Transactions.txt
Year End Balances: Yearend.txt
Non-Financial Data: NFD.txt
Accpac (Advantage Series)
Install the ODBC Engine and Driver.
Install Pervasive SQL (Btrieve) or Microsoft SQL.
Import Files:
Divisional Information: Files with the extensions .dap, .dfe, and .eap
Ensure that account structures in Accpac contain unique sequences of account segments and different total lengths. Working Papers is unable to import the division number correctly when these two structures are not defined properly. Use the ACCPAC Account Structure Configuration window to change the structures.
Accpac (DOS)
Import Files:
Profile Information: GLGLOB
Chart of Accounts: GLDATA
GL Detail: GLPST
Accounting Dates: GLDATE'I
Adagio Ledger
Import Files:
Profile Information: GLGLOB
Chart of Accounts: GLMAST'R / GLDATA
Accounting Dates: GLDATE'I
GL Import: GLPST
Period Date Settings: GLFISC'R
Budget Data: GLNBUD'R
AgExpert Analyst
Create an export file in AgExpert using the export module.
Import Files: filename.cwe
Attache Business Partner
Import Files:
Profile Information: SYSFILE.DAT
Bedford Simply Accounting DOS
Import Files:
Profile Information: SN3.REC / SN4.REC
Trial Balance: GN3.REC / GN4.REC
Blue Link Solutions
Import File: filename.txt
Brilliant Accounting
Import Files:
Consolidated Trial Balance: cwctb1.txt
Unconsolidated Trial Balance: cwunctb1.txt
GL Movements: cwglmov1.txt
Install the Pervasive SQL 2000 Database Engine.
Use the export module in BusinessVision to export the chart of accounts and general ledger detail as comma-delimited ASCII files.
Import Files:
Chart of Accounts: GL-CHART.TXT
GL Detail: GL.TXT
Profile Information: BVCON.FIL
Import Files:
Chart of Accounts: filename.TXT
GL Detail: filename.TXT
Import Files:
Chart of Accounts: PRIMO.TXT
Creative Solutions Accounting
Install the DAO import update.
Import File: filename.WSW
Install the Pervasive SQL 2000 Database Engine.
Import Files:
Profile Information: DEAGNRL.DB
Trial Balance: DEAGLTH.DB
Import Files:
Balance Records: DatevexportKMVZ.txt
Account Name Records: DatevexportKTSKI.txt
Company Information: DatevexportMADMPD.txt
Trial Balance File: SKR*.csv
Install the DAO import update.
Import Files:
6.4 - 7.0: filename.mdb
8.0 - later: filename.ddb
Expert Comptable
Use the export module in Expert Comptable to create an export file.
Import File: filename.txt
EZEBiz Company Manager
Use the export module in EZEBiz Company Manager to create an export file.
Import File: filename.csv
Finax v2.x
Import Files:
Date Information: MUMBU.ext
Profile Information: PARBU.ext
GL Detail: BUNIDET.ext
Trial Balance: ACCOUNTS.ext
Finax v989.x
Import Files:
Chart of Accounts: CODEINDX.xxx
Extended Account Descriptions: LANCO.xxx
Prior Year Figures: FIGZZZZZ.xxx
Budget Figures: GLTOTS.xxx
Date Information: MUMBU.xxx
Profile Information: PARBU.xxx
GL Detail: BUNIDET.xxx
(xxx is the three-digit Finax extension. ZZZZZ is the five character comparative identifier.)
Fortune1000 Acomba
Import Files:
Chart of Accounts: SCHARTE.FDW
Journal Entries: GJOURNAL.FDW
# of Accounting Periods: GCTRL.FDW
Detailed Postings: GPOST.FDW
Client Information: SINFOCIE.FDW
Fortune1000 DOS
Import Files:
Chart of Accounts: GGL.FDA
Profile Information: GCIE.FDA
Budget Figures: GPOST.FDA
Great Plains (Dynamics)
Pervasive SQL (Btrieve)
Install the Pervasive SQL 2000 Database Engine.
Import Files:
Company List: Dynamics \ SY02100.BTR
Company Information: Dynamics \ System \ SY01500.BTR
Account Number Structure: Dynamics \ System \ SY00302.BTR
Period Dates: Dynamics \ <Client> \ Company \ SY40101.BTR
Chart of Accounts: Dynamics \ <Client> \ finance \ GL00100.BTR
Account Numbers: Dynamics \ <Client> \ finance \ GL00105.BTR
Budget Balances: Dynamics \ <Client> \ finance \ GL00201.BTR
Trial Balance: Dynamics \ <Client> \ finance \ GL10110.BTR
GL Detail: Dynamics \ <Client> \ finance \ GL20000.BTR
C-Tree Plus
Import Files:
Company List: Dynamics \ SY02100.DAT
Company Information: Dynamics \ System \ SY01500.DAT
Account Number Structure: Dynamics \ System \ SY00302.DAT
Period Dates: Dynamics \ <Client> \ Company \ SY40101.DAT
Chart of Accounts: Dynamics \ <Client> \ finance \ GL00100.DAT
Account Numbers: Dynamics \ <Client> \ finance \ GL00105.DAT
Budget Balances: Dynamics \ <Client> \ finance \ GL00201.DAT
Trial Balance: Dynamics \ <Client> \ finance \ GL10110.DAT
GL Detail: Dynamics \ <Client> \ finance \ GL20000.DAT
Great Plains (DOS)
Pervasive SQL (Btrieve)
Install the Pervasive SQL 2000 Database Engine.
Import Files:
Company List: Dynamics \ SY02100.BTR
Company Information: Dynamics \ System \ SY01500.BTR
Account Number Structure: Dynamics \ System \ SY00302.BTR
Period Dates: Dynamics \ <Client> \ Company \ SY40101.BTR
Chart of Accounts: Dynamics \ <Client> \ finance \ GL00100.BTR
Account Numbers: Dynamics \ <Client> \ finance \ GL00105.BTR
Budget Balances: Dynamics \ <Client> \ finance \ GL00201.BTR
Trial Balance: Dynamics \ <Client> \ finance \ GL10110.BTR
GL Detail: Dynamics \ <Client> \ finance \ GL20000.BTR
C-Tree Plus
Import Files:
Company List: Dynamics \ SY02100.DAT
Company Information: Dynamics \ System \ SY01500.DAT
Account Number Structure: Dynamics \ System \ SY00302.DAT
Period Dates: Dynamics \ <Client> \ Company \ SY40101.DAT
Chart of Accounts: Dynamics \ <Client> \ finance \ GL00100.DAT
Account Numbers: Dynamics \ <Client> \ finance \ GL00105.DAT
Budget Balances: Dynamics \ <Client> \ finance \ GL00201.DAT
Trial Balance: Dynamics \ <Client> \ finance \ GL10110.DAT
GL Detail: Dynamics \ <Client> \ finance \ GL20000.DAT
Import Files:
Chart of Accounts: AUDITAGT.TXT
MAS 90 for Windows
Create a new folder outside of your MAS 90 directory. In MAS 90, select a company ID and export the Trial Balance to a fixed ASCII file in the new folder. Inside the folder, create a sub-folder, then copy the SY0CTL.SOA file from the MAS 90 SOA folder into the sub-folder.
Export the the data that you would like to import (Trial Balance, General Ledger Detail, Prior Year Data or Budget data).
Import File: GL_FiscalYearDetail.m4t
Microsoft Office Accounting
Install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 locally on the machine performing the import.
Import File: filename.sbb
Use the export module in MoneyWorks to create an export file.
Import File: filename.txt
MS Small Business Accounting
Install Microsoft Windows SQL Server locally on the machine performing the import.
The only required Microsoft Small Business Accounting file is a .zip backup file created by MS_SBA obtained by doing a whole data back-up operation. For details on how to perform a data backup, see Microsoft Small Business Accounting's online help.
Multi Express Business & Accounting
Use the export module in Multi Express Business & Accounting to create an export file.
Import File: filename.txt
MYOB Accounting
Create an export file in MYOB by clicking File | AccountantLink | Send to Caseware.
Import File: filename.txt
MYOB AccountEdge
Create an export file in MYOB by clicking File | AccountantLink | Send to Caseware.
Import File: filename.txt
MYOB AccountRight
Create an export file in MYOB by clicking File | AccountantLink | Send to Caseware.
Import File: filename.txt
Import Files:
Chart of Accounts: CODEINDX.xxx
Extended Account Descriptions: LANCO.xxx
Prior Year Figures: FIGyyyyy.xxx
Budget Figures: GLTOTS.xxx
Date Information: MUMBU.xxx
Profile Information: PARBU.xxx
GL Detail: BUNIDET.xxx
(xxx represents the 3-digit extension of the Orchard file. yyyyy represents the five character comparative identifier.)
Pastel Evolution
Export the transactions in Pastel Evolution to create an export file.
Import Files:
Consolidated Trial Balance: cwctb1.txt
Unconsolidated Trial Balance: cwunctb1.txt
GL Movements: cwglmov1.txt
Peachtree (DOS)
Import Files:
Chart of Accounts: GLxx MST7.Dyy
GL Detail: GLxxTRN7.Dyy
Year End/Period Dates: GLOPTS.Dyy
(xx represents the current period number for the Peachtree file. yy represents the two-character client code (Company ID) for the Peachtree file.)
Pegasus Capital
Import Files:
Profile Information: SYSTEM.DBF
Trial Balance: NLNAME.DBF
Pegasus Opera
Import Files:
Profile Information: _NPARM.DBF
Chart of Accounts: _NACNT.DBF
Budget Balances: _NBUDG.DBF
Import Files:
Chart of Accounts: NLCHART
Period Dates: NLPDATES
Period Balances: NLBAL
Company Information: NLCOSUB
Journal Batch Details: NLTXD
History Batch Details: NLTXDH
Import Files:
Trial Balance: filename.xxx
Cash Flow: filename.xxx
You can import either one or both of these files. There is no set format for the file name and extension for these files.
Use the export module in RealBroker to create an export file.
Import File: filename.TXT
Sage 50 Accounts (Sage-Line50)
Import Files:
Profile Information: ACCDATA\ACCOUNT.DTA
Chart of Accounts: ACCDATA\NOMINAL.DTA
Company Information: ACCDATA\SETUP.DTA
Account Types: ACCDATA\COA
Bank Information: ACCDATA\BANK.DTA
Department Information: DEPARTM.DTA
Sage 50 Accounting CDN Edition (Simply)
Install either Sage 50 Accounting (CDN Edition) or the Sage 50 Connection Manager utility from MyCaseware. You must have one of these applications to perform the import; however, do not install both.
Settler GOLD Farm Software
Use the Export module in Settler GOLD Farm Software to create an export file.
Import File: filename.cwe
Use the Export module in SigaFinance to create an export file.
Import File: filename.TXT
Tally Accounting (Export)
In Tally Accounting 9, use the standalone export utility (Export utility for Tally.ERP9) to create the following client data files:
companyIDyyyymmdd.Budget.txt (optional)
companyIDyyyymmdd.Forex.txt (optional)
(companyID represents the Company ID, yyyymmdd represents the Year Begin Date)
Install Microsoft Windows SQL Server locally on the machine performing the import (if you do not have the Ufsoft application installed or have access to its database).
Import Files:
Version 8.2 / 8.5: Ufdata.bak
Version 8.11: Copy Ufdata.mdp and Ufsystem.mdp to another folder.
Windward System Five
Use the export module in Windward System Five to create an export file.
Import File: filename.TXT
Use the export module in WinLedge to create an export file.
Import File: filename.TXT