What is OnPoint PCR?

OnPoint PCR is built for small- and mid-sized US firms to increase the quality and efficiency of your preparations, compilations and reviews.

This cloud-based solution features intelligent checklists, guided client onboarding and continuous optimization using the latest methodology from the AICPA. It also offers real-time collaboration with your colleagues and clients, trial balance auto-mapping and one-click financial statements.

OnPoint PCR brings together Caseware's cloud platform, guidance from the AICPA and distribution and advisory services from CPA.com.

Primary feature set: guided engagements

A number of features combine to provide a step-by-step approach that creates a streamlined engagement customized to each of your clients.

  • Intelligent checklists

    When you start each engagement you'll only see one checklist: the client acceptance letter. As you answer questions in checklists, the program builds the necessary engagement checklists and programs. This reduces the amount of time spent determining the checklists required to complete each engagement.

  • Client collaboration

    All communication with your client and colleagues related to the engagement can be contained and driven from inside the platform. This eliminates the need to go outside the system to send a client an email or use an external portal.

  • Engagement dashboards

    Engagement dashboards make it easier for you to monitor your engagements. There are dashboards to indicate the percent of completion within each specific engagement area, and to indicate the overall stage of completion, so you can better manage your engagements.

  • Dynamic scaling

    Overall the platform will dynamically scale to the size and complexity of the client or the service being rendered (preparation, compilation or review). For example, built-in intelligence will automatically scale back the procedures and documentation for a compilation when compared to those included in a review engagement.

Secondary feature set: integrated data

The overall goal of the integration of data throughout the platform is to eliminate the need to input the same data multiple times through the engagement.

  • Trial balance auto-mapping

    Direct trial balance imports are auto-mapped to pre-defined financial statement groupings and lead sheets. This eliminates the tedious process of manually grouping the trial balance to the proper financial statement grouping and lead sheet.

  • Visual Analytics

    Trial balance data is automatically linked to a set of pre-defined analytical ratios, which are displayed visually. This eliminates the need for the accountant to build their own independent analytical ratio spreadsheet.

  • One-Click Financial Statements

    Trial balance data is automatically linked to a set of pre-defined commercial financial statements. This eliminates the need for the accountant to build their own financial statement template. In addition, the financial statements will be linked to an intelligent disclosure checklist and related footnote library.

The solution will reduce over-work with Intelligent Checklists, seamless Client Collaboration, Trial Balance Auto-Mapping, and One-Click Financial Statements. But it will also ensure a consistent level of engagement quality with Engagement Dashboards and Visual Analytics, all while scaling to the needs of your clients.

Purchase OnPoint PCR

You can purchase OnPoint PCR licenses through MyCaseware. For more information, see Get started with MyCaseware.

Enable OnPoint PCR

If you already purchased a license, be sure to enable OnPoint PCR for staff so that they can access the app. For instructions, see Manage access for Caseware Cloud apps.

To learn more about app access and permissions, see Revisar la configuración de seguridad para el grupo Todo el personal.