Personalizar el texto de los estados financieros

Financial statements can include text sections in various areas and notes. You can edit and customize the formatting of the text sections in your financial statement.

To customize a text section:

  1. Select the text section to start editing the text as desired.

  2. The formatting toolbar displays at the top of the text section. You can use the formatting toolbar to make the following changes:

    Toolbar icon


    Apply a style to selected text or paragraph.

    The default font size for each style is as follows:

    • Paragraph - 11pt

    • Heading 1 - 27pt

    • Heading 2 - 22.5pt

    • Heading 3 - 18pt

    • Heading 4 - 13.5pt

    • Heading 5 - 10.5pt

    • Heading 6 - 9pt

    To learn how to customize the font size for headings, see Customize fonts and headings.

    Bold, italicize or underline selected text.

    Change the color of a selected text or a paragraph or highlight selected text or paragraph.

    Note: Changes to the font colour are not applied to placeholders until you replace all placeholders in the document.

    Remove all formatting for a selected text or a paragraph and revert to the default.

    Add a bullet or number list

    Add visibility conditions to lists.

    Indent selected text or paragraph.

    Align selected text or paragraph.

    Agregar o quitar un punto de interrupción.

    Add a custom calculation in the text section.

    Añadir enlaces externos

    Add text placeholders.

    Add field placeholders.

    Field placeholders are drop-down lists for selecting a staff member or a client contact from Cloud, or a date.

    Add a logo in the text section
    Add a note reference.

    Add a horizontal line

    Add an image

    Add a table

    Add a special character in the text section.

  3. To ensure there are no page breaks in a text area when printing, select More actions () and enable Keep Together. Note that Keep Together does not prevent page breaks if the text area is longer than a full page.