Cambiar la opción de visualización de las filas de la tabla

You can change the current display option for table rows. Based on the row type, you can have three or two display options to choose from.

  • Aplicar el comportamiento predeterminado

    The default behavior differs based on the row type:

    For input rows:

    • Always display this row in the financial statements.

    • Display this row in the document PDF print copy if it has a non-zero balance (that is, the cell is not empty and its value is not zero) - otherwise, hide the row in the PDF print copy.

    For group rows (trial balance group and custom group Total or Title):

    • Always display this row in the financial statements.

    • Display this row in the document PDF print copy if the group includes more than one account with non-zero balance (that is, the cells are not empty and their values are not zero) - otherwise, hide this row in the PDF print copy.

    For trial balance rows:

    • Display this row in the financial statements and in the document PDF print copy if the balances for current or prior years exist - otherwise, hide this row in both.

  • Siempre mostrar esta fila

    The row always displays in the financial statements and in the PDF print copy.

  • Siempre ocultar esta fila

    The row is always hidden in the financial statements and in the PDF print copy.

    Note: This option is only available for input rows and group rows (trial balance group rows, custom group Title and Total rows).

Cambiar la opción de visualización de las filas de la tabla

  1. Select the table.

  2. Select More actions (), then choose Edit Dynamic Table.

  3. The table opens in edit mode.

  4. Using the check boxes on the left side, select the desired row.

  5. Seleccione el icono XBRL ().

  6. A drop-down opens showing the available display options for the selected row.

    Apply the default behavior is selected by default.

    Note: If the row is an input row or a group row, the Always hide this row option is available in the list - otherwise, only Apply default behavior and Always display this row are available.

    Choose a display option for the selected row.

  7. Seleccione las opciones de visualización.

  8. Tip: If you don't want to change the current display option, clear the row check box.

    The row check box.

  9. Select SAVE or SAVE&CLOSE.

Note that rows that will not be included in the document printout display in gray, so you can easily spot them.

Rows that will not print display in gray.