Revisar el Estado de flujo de fondos de los estados financieros

The Statement of Cash Flows is automatically generated from the trial balance data. You can review the Statement of Cash Flows and make changes if needed. For example, you can add cash flow data that's not derived from the trial balance so it transfers through to your balance sheet.

To populate the Statement of Cash Flows in your financial statements document, select Add () | Statement of Cash Flows at the Document Map.

Note: The setup of the Statement of Cash Flows determines the edit options that are available to you. For example, you can have the option to add data in the Statement of Cash Flows but not to modify existing data.

To add data in the Cash Flow statement:

  1. Go to the group where you want to add data.

  2. Select Settings () | + Input row.

    A new row is appended to the group.

  3. Enter the cash flow data in the gray fields.

    Entries are automatically saved.

To edit existing balances in the Cash Flow statement:

  1. Go to the cash flow line where you want to modify balances.

  2. Select Settings () | Override calculated balances, then edit the balances as needed.

    Changes are automatically saved.

You can select Settings () | Use calculated balances to revert back to the original balances.