What's new - Caseware ReviewComp Fall 2023 (v1.2831.0)
Here is a list of what's new for the Caseware ReviewComp Fall 2023 release.
New Prepaid expense worksheet
The Prepaid expense worksheet is now available. In addition to automatically pulling balances from your imported data using Caseware Cloud Connector, this form also uses automated formulas to make it easier for you to track your various balances and expense amounts for prepaid expenses.
PEG content updates
Caseware ReviewComp is up to date with the 2023 CPA Canada PEG for content updates.
Here is a list of documents that have been updated.
Review engagements:
1-20 Existing engagement - Continuance
2-03-2 Understanding the entity
5-10 Completion checklist
Compilation engagements:
1.1 Engagement acceptance/continuance
3.10 Completion checklist
Improvement to Non-for-profit income statements
The Other income financial group has been added to the NFP income statement.