Option Währungssymbol für Zeilen festlegen

Once you add a trial balance, input, dimension or custom group row, you can specify the desired currency symbol option for the row in the financial statements and in the document PDF print copy.

Based on the row type, you can have three or two display options to choose from:

  • Apply default behavior - Apply the currency symbol options specified in the Currency Symbol settings.

  • Always display currency symbol - The currency symbol always displays in the row in the financial statements and in the PDF print copy.

  • Always hide currency symbol - The currency symbol never displays in the row in the financial statements and in the PDF print copy.

To specify the display option for a row:

  1. Navigate to the table.

  2. Wählen Sie Weitere Aktionen () und anschließend Dynamische Tabelle bearbeiten.

    Die Tabellenoptionen im Bearbeitungsmodus.

  3. Using the check boxes on the left side, select the desired row.

  4. Select the Currency Symbol icon ().

    The Currency Symbol dialog for an individual table row.

  5. Select the desired currency symbol option.