Eine Prüfungshandlung hinzufügen

Procedures are the checklist items that users need to go through and provide responses for. You can only add procedures in groups or subgroups.

To add a procedure:

  1. Open the document and select Edit ().

  2. Go to the group or subgroup that you want to add a procedure in.

  3. Select More actions () | Add Procedure or select + Procedure.

  4. A new procedure is added with a default description New Procedure and the default response type (if specified in the document settings).

  5. Select the default description to change it.

  6. Once you select the text field, the formatting toolbar displays. Use the toolbar to make the following changes:



    Fett, Kursiv oder Unterstrichen dem ausgewählten Text zuweisen.

    Add a bullet or number list.

    Einrücken von ausgewähltem Text oder Absatz.

    Ausrichten von ausgewähltem Text oder Absatz.

    Add a table.

    Verknüpfung hinzufügen oder entfernen.

    Insert a reference to a visible or hidden document in the engagement file.

    Datenverknüpfungen hinzufügen.

    Alle Formatierungen von ausgewähltem Text oder Absatz entfernen und auf den Standard zurücksetzen.

    You can also select the Summary field above the description to enter a short name for the procedure.

  7. Select More actions () | Settings to review and customize the procedure settings.

    You can also add a sub-level procedure to create a multilevel structure in the procedure.

To add a sub-level procedure:

  1. Open the document and select Edit ().

  2. Select the procedure or sub-procedure that you want to add sub-levels for.

  3. Select More actions ()

  4. If you selected a main procedure in Step 1, select More actions () | 2nd Level Procedure. A second level list is added with the new procedure and alphabetic numbering.

    If you selected a 2nd level procedure in Step 1, select More actions () | 3rd Level Procedure. A third level list is added with the new procedure and roman numerals numbering.

  5. Select More actions () | Settings to review and customize the settings for the newly added sub-procedure.

To hide the numbering for the sub-procedure, select More actions () | Hide sub-procedure numbers.