Legen Sie eine Standardanzeigeoption für Konten und Kontengruppen im Jahresabschluss fest

You can predefine how groups and accounts display in each table in the financial statements. For example, you can set a table to show groups collapsed by default.

To set the display option for groups and accounts in a table:

  1. Wählen Sie die gewünschte Tabelle aus.

  2. Select More actions () | Edit Dynamic Table.

  3. Select Settings ().

  4. Choose the desired option for Accounts.

  5. Verfügbare Optionen:

    • Excluded - Show groups only in the table.

    • Included (Collapsed) - Show accounts and groups in table, where groups are collapsed by default.

    • Included (Expanded) - Show accounts and groups in the table, where groups are expanded by default.

  6. Select SAVE or SAVE & CLOSE.