About notification settings

From My Settings | Notifications | Global Notifications, you can configure what events will result in you receiving a notification email.

The Global Notifications section of the My Settings page.

Naam Omschrijving
Quick Subscription Options Select the checkbox to receive notifications on all actions performed by contacts on entities, activities, or files you're subscribed to.
System-Wide Subscription Settings

Select a checkmark to subscribe to all actions of that type taken across Cloud.

For example, if you select the Entities checkmark in the Edit column, you will receive a notification email whenever any user edits any Entity.

Individuele abonneringsinstellingen

Select a checkmark to subscribe to all actions of that type taken on activities, files, entities, or content within entities.

For example, if you select Activities under Content of Subscribed Entities in the Create column, you will receive a notification email whenever a new activity is created in an entity you're subscribed to.

If you select the top-levelEntities checkmark, you will receive notification emails for all cloud content associated with entities you're subscribed to.