Export GIFI data

Content in this topic requires Caseware Audit.

Caseware Audit allows users to export the General Index of Financial Information (GIFI) tax data from a GIFI Schedule form. If required, you can use the GIFI export file to migrate your data to third-party tax preparation software.

To display GIFI schedule forms:

  1. On the Documents page, open the 010 Planning optimiser document.

  2. Navigate to the GIFI tax forms question and select Yes.

The GIFI folder and documents now display on the Documents page.

To export GIFI data:

  1. On the Documents page, select a GIFI Schedule form.

    GIFI Schedule forms.

  2. From the Export drop-down, select GIFI Balances and FS notes, FS notes, or GIFI Balances.

    Export GIFI data drop-down.

You can use the downloaded .gfi file to import your GIFI data to a tax vendor.