Get started with OnPoint Collaborate

Content in this topic requires OnPoint Collaborate.

Before you get started with OnPoint Collaborate, ensure that your firm administrator completes the necessary prerequisites.

To start, sign in to your firm's Cloud site. As a staff member, the actions you can perform include:

  1. Create an OnPoint Collaborate engagement file

  2. Complete the 100 Client Optimization document

  3. Review the generated PBC Request document

  4. Send the PBC Request document to clients

  5. Clients respond to the PBC Request document

  6. Review progress and responses

  7. Collaborate with clients

  8. Reopen the PBC Request document

  9. Complete the PBC Request document

  10. Locate the client's documents

  11. Wrap up and lock down

  12. Carry forward the engagement (optional)

OnPoint Collaborate Workflow.